decision support and business intelligence-Tableau

Final Paper: Need uses Tableau, submit Word Document and Dashboard. At least 1000 words, not including references.
Dataset: Use property-assessment fy19.csv

In the written portion of the final project, I would like for you to discuss:
    The specific business case and objectives of your dashboard.
    How does visualizing your data and interacting with your dashboard aide the intended audience in decision support and/or meeting desired objectives?
    What are the Key Metrics that you identified and selected to display? How did you decide to develop them, and why are they important? Please classify them as either driver metrics or outcome metrics.
    While performing an exploratory data analysis and developing your dashboard, what are the interesting trends and insights you discovered? What types of strategy would you recommend to your stakeholders based upon the dashboard findings?
Dashboard Requirements:
Create one dashboard with the following:
    At least three panes in one dashboard.
    At least three different visualization types in the dashboard. (e.g. bar chart, scatterplot, map, etc.)
    Each visualization should illustrate different relationships (e.g., don’t just make a pie chart and a bar chart from the same data).
    One pane should interactively drive all of the others (see hints below).
    Every visualization should be relevant and useful for your organization.

    Sometimes, categories are represented as numbers. Tableau will automatically process these attributes as numeric, which is not something we want! To change a numeric attribute to a category, drag it from Measures to Dimensions.
    Please use abundant Tableau documentation. Tableau has a wealth of tutorials, like this one on Building a Dashboard that can help you learn how to fulfill the requirements above. NOTE: you may have to create an account again when trying to view these tutorials.