Any topic (writer’s choice)

Waubonsee Community CollegePage 5of 13Journal Article Summary Students will read, summarize, and analyze one scholarly, peer-reviewed, journal article.  The Journal Article Summary consists of three assignments (find article, first draft, and second draft.): 1)Find a Journal Article(10 points):The first assignment will be to find a peer-reviewed journal article in psychology, that is not more than 5 years old, that is an empirical study (see process above) with originaldata, that is on a topic of interest to you.  I recommend you search for the shortest, clearest, most interestingarticle you can find. Please take the time to find an articlethat you feel is manageable to read and is interesting to you. It will save you timeand effort when writing the paper.You will earn 10 points ofyour 70-point journal article summary, by just finding an article meeting the criteria below, by the assigned due date, and successfully submitting it online through Canvas.  Your journal article summary first draft and second draftwill not be graded without an approved/graded journal article submitted.Journal article submission (10 points)  If these 2 criteria are not met, will need to pick a different journal article : 1) Journal article is a peer-reviewed journal article in psychology (check the boxfor peer-reviewed in library search). 2) Journal article has original data collected on more than 15 participants.  How to find a journal article to submit for approval/credit for the Journal Article Summary paper:1.Login to MyWCCand click on the Library tab 2.Under the Library tab click on Psychology under Subject Guides 3.Under Subject Guide-Psychology click on PsycARTICLES 4.In the top search box (under Searching: APA PsycArticles) type in a single topic in psychology of interest to you such as “Parenting”. It is a good idea to pick basic topics and then narrow, rather than getting too specific at the beginning of your search.  5.Scroll down to Limit your results box. In the Limit your results box click on Full-text box and Scholarly (peer-reviewed) Journals box. In the Year of Publication put a range of dates from the last 5 years (10 years old at the very latest). Under Methodology, click on EMPIRICAL STUDY(For this assignment, this part is critical to find the correct type of article and empirical means your researchers in your article collected new data from participants). 6.Scroll through the results. Once you have an article you want to consider, click on the title of the article and then click on the left where there is a link to the pdf of the article to see the full article. If it is not what you want, click Result List link to go back to see your other choices of articles.  7.You should see the journal article. You may need to hover over the .pdf article or click on the area or strip above the article and then the menu will appear and you should see both a download icon and a print icon to be able to both download your .pdf article and print your article.  8.In this same menu, use the download arrow in the pdf viewer to download the article to your computer. Important note: Be sure to check where the downloaded article is being saved so you can find it to upload. It could save in the download file, on the desktop or in your documents. If you are not on your own computer and will be uploading the article later you will need to save the pdf to a flash drive, a cloud account, etc.  9.Click on red Submit Assignment button above. Scroll down and click on the File Upload tab if not already selected and then click on Choose File button. Browse your computer for the location of the saved article going back to where you originally saved the full .pdf file (did you save it in the download file, on the desktop or in the documents file?) and upload the file. Then click on the red Submit Assignment button again.  10.Look to see that the article was successfully submitted on the right-hand side of the screen. Click on your downloaded file to check that you uploaded the correct file. Article links will not be accepted. 
Waubonsee Community CollegePage 6of 1311.Check back here or under grades to see your grade for the assignment/ article submission. You will receive brief feedback to let you know if your article was accepted along with a grade. If you receive the full 10 points for the article it means that the articlewas approved. If you receive 0 points for the article then it means the article was not approved.  If not approved, you will need to resubmit a new article for approval. There is no penalty for needing to resubmit your article as long as it is prior to the due date for the first draft of the paper. You will want to do it as soon as possible so that you have enough time to read the article and write your paper, as well as ask any questions you many have.  12.Once your article is approved, you should read yourjournal article and read the specific Journal Article Summary Paper instructions and rubric that are available here in your syllabus and in Canvas before starting on your paper.  2)Write a First Draft Journal Article SummaryYour complete first draft of your Journal Article Summary will be worth up to 30 points. After finding an approved article students will write a 2-page paper (double-spaced, 1012 point font, 1-inch margins with indented paragraphs). For your paper, summarize your journal article and address each of the questions from the rubric in discussing your journal article.  You should answer the rubric questions in paragraph form and it should read like a paper (no bulleted points).  It is most important that you answer the questions with detail and clarity in your summary.  You should state things plainly such as: The first hypothesis was…. etc.  Students should provide an accurate and complete APA style reference which has a centered title Reference at the end of the paper with the reference following with a hanging indent. It should look like this reference below: Reference Dixon, A. L., Scheidegger, C., & McWhirter, J. J. (2009). The adolescent mattering  experience: Gender variations in perceived mattering, anxiety, and depression. Journal of Counseling and Development, 87, 302-310. You only need to reference the single journal article you have read since all the summarized and paraphrased information should be coming from that journal article. Remember to paraphrase when possible, and use quotes if using the same wording as in the journal article. The purpose is to see if you can read, understand, analyze, and summarize a scientific article.  It is expected that you may not understand everything in the article, especially the portion about the data analysis and statistics, but you should be able to understand enough to explain the main purpose, points, and conclusions of the article.  If you select an article that is too difficult for you to understand, go through the article selection process again and e-mail your new article to hlacost@waubonsee.eduand let me know. Another option is to seek reading assistance from the Waubonsee tutoring center or ask the instructor for assistance. The purpose of this assignment is to teach you how to access and read an original source of scientific information, so that you use a high quality, original source of information for future researching and decisionmaking. If you receive 29 or 30 points on the first draft, you do not have to complete thesecond draft of the journal article summary-you will receive the same grade for thesecond draft (either 29 or 30) without having to resubmit.All other students with
Waubonsee Community CollegePage 7of 13grades of 28 or less will need to resubmit a revised second draft of the same paper and should use the provided feedback to improve their score for the second draft.  Journal Article Summary Rubric / Questions to address in your Journal Article Summary Paper What research question were the researchers trying to answer? What was the specific, testable, hypothesis, or hypotheses? Important: Make sure your hypothesis or hypotheses are stated as a prediction. (Hint: You can usually find the hypotheses in the paragraph found at the end of the introduction before the methods section). 5 points Who participated in the research? What were the specific characteristics (describe the detailed demographics) of the participants and how specifically they were selectedto participate in the research study? 5 points Based on your familiarity with the research from reading the article, and knowing that the research could not have been institutionally approved without meeting APA guidelines, answer the following question: How the researchers could have specifically satisfied eachof the 4APA guideline issues discussed in your textbook in Chapter 1 namely: 1) informed consent, 2) confidentiality, 3) debriefing, and 4) avoidance of deception 5 points How was the research conducted? (What did the researchers do to test their hypothesis/ answer their question?)  What type of research was conducted (naturalistic observation, survey/questionnaire, correlational research, experiment, etc.?) (Use Chapter 1 of your textbook for descriptions and definitions of types of research.) 5 points What did the researchers find? What were the results and what conclusions were made? Were there any surprises in the findings? 5 points Provide a correctly formatted APA style reference for the single journal article reviewed. See formatting guidelines above. Use correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc.  throughout your entire paper.